Calibrate Team

Aug 11, 2021

Calibrate August Challenge

In light of the Tokyo Olympics 2021, we have decided to do a Calibrate Shot Put Challenge for the month of August.

When you're next in the studio, be sure to take part and have your best score added on the leaderboard.

The Rules:

  1. While on your knees, throw the Medicine Ball (Men: 20kg/Women: 10kg) as far as you can from the chest.

  2. Toes and heels must be touching the wall at all times.

  3. You will be allowed to throw twice.

  4. Your best score will be added to the leaderboard.

  5. At the end of the month, there will be prizes for the top man and woman who completes the challenge!

Below is an example from Team Calibrate.

Happy Throwing!